Settling the States by Cora Leland
"Cooking over campfires takes practice." (Cora Leland's earliest Nebraska settler)
Baking kettles, like the one above, were essential to households stretching across the eastern seaboard (1700-1800) for cooking in ahses or hanging in fireplaces. Many of the colonists lived near streams and rivers in wooded areas, where a wealth of creatures continued to live as they had before the colonists had arrived.
Woodchuck, Western New York area
Living in the freedom and prosperity of the new world, America, became so important that people were willing to accept lengthy periods of indentured servitude in exchange for passage money. (1600-1800).
But the costs for transporting people decreased as newcomers -- an important source of labor -- clamored for tickets. (This time was known as the age of mass migration from Europe(1850-1900).)
One nation, among many, was Ireland, where people fled famines and unemployment. An earlier wave of Irish people had come from northern Ireland: they were English-speakers who were skilled and quickly adapted. Many, like my great aunts, cheerfully adapted and prospered.

A baby tender (1820)
A baby tender was used by families as the women went about their daily chores, just as Native American women wore a cradle board for their baby.
One minute before the start: Oklahoma Land Rush
Other places in the country offered their land to encourage settlers. Georgia, for example, held seven lotteries for farm land and one lottery for 'gold rush' land. The gold rush in Georgia (by 1832, when the land was offered) had almost ended, and there was no guarantee that these plots would hold gold.
Settlers, as you'd imagine, wore clothes their mothers and sisters had sewn by hand; men's work pants could be bought in town, but not always their shirts, so the ladies made them, too. Fashionable dresses with bustles and trains were probably not necessary among those generations.
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