
Saturday, January 28, 2017


This past year, I was honored to be asked to participate in two more of the “Wolf Creek” collections that are the brainchild of Dr. Troy Smith, a wonderful author and good friend. Troy’s vision, when he created the fictional post-Civil War Kansas town of Wolf Creek, was that it would be populated by a very diverse community. That, in itself, will cause its own brand of problems as the people of Kansas were sorely divided during the Civil War—and that conflict left its mark long after the War ended.


With over two dozen western authors making up the fabled “Ford Fargo”, author of the Wolf Creek anthologies and shared universe books, I have found myself in some very fine company to work alongside in these creations. The beauty of this project is that each author has the freedom to incorporate their character(s) into a loose framework that Troy lays out, and every shared story gets off to a great start, has no “sagging middle”, and comes to a very climactic ending—yet, it does so with the efforts of (usually) 6 authors per book.

Imagine the thrill of being a part of such a collective effort—and seeing how flawlessly the eventual project comes out!

In 2016, I participated in two anthologies. These are somewhat different from the “shared universe” books in which there is one story, divided into chapters. The anthologies are separate short stories, but they do propel the same story along to the completion, in many ways, a lot like the chapter books do.

I had a story in a book that was published in May, Wolf Creek: Book 14—WAR STORIES. This was a fun one, because there is a creepy barber, John Hix, who lives in Wolf Creek. He claims to have had nothing at all to do with the Civil War, yet he’s always wanting others to talk about what THEY did during the War…and he has his own reasons. And let’s just say, there have been some “unexplained disappearances”… This was a bittersweet book, as the incomparable western author, Frank Roderus, was a contributor—and this was one of his last publications before he passed away.

In my story, UNCLE JOHN, my character, Derrick McCain, discovers quite by accident that he has a daughter, six-year-old Viviana, that he didn’t know he had—and her mother is dying. But just as Vivi’s mother passes, Derrick is in for another surprise—one that troubles him to his soul: it becomes apparent that somehow, John Hix, the barber, is well-acquainted with little Vivi and her mother—and this is one man that Derrick doesn’t want anywhere near his family!

The second book I contributed to this past year was called Wolf Creek: Book 18—HUNTER’S MOON. My story was THREE GOOD MEN, and this time, the town of Wolf Creek will soon be under siege by a band of raiding Kiowas who will show no mercy. They’ll reach the McCain family farm first, and though Derrick wants nothing more than to stay behind with the three men who’ve come to warn him and make their stand in his farmhouse, he knows he has to see his family to safety above all else. With the help of Sheriff Sam Gardner, a crusty lawman, Derrick and his wife, Leah, begin the trip to Wolf Creek in the dead of night under a hunter’s moon. But it isn’t long before Derrick realizes they are going to have to abandon the wagon and take their chances in the darkness of the forest to have any kind of hope of making it safely to Wolf Creek.

Some of the Kiowas follow, and while Sam and Leah make their way through the night with Vivi and her baby twin brothers, Derrick battles the Kiowas to save his family. When daylight comes, will the McCains and Sam be alive to continue the journey to warn the citizens of Wolf Creek of the impending attack? And what will become of the THREE GOOD MEN who have stayed behind to hold off the Kiowas and give Derrick, his family, and the town of Wolf Creek a fighting chance under a HUNTER’S MOON?

Both of my stories have been entered in the WESTERN FICTIONEERS PEACEMAKER COMPETITION. I’ve been a finalist in that contest three times before, so I’m sure hoping for a win this year in the short fiction category with one of these stories.

Y’all keep your fingers crossed for me!

Here’s an excerpt from THREE GOOD MEN. Leah, the children, and Sam are making their way through the forest, and Leah is understandably worried about what’s going to happen. Here, she talks things over with Sam–and wonders where in the heck her husband is–or if he’s even still alive…

They walked in silence for a few more moments. Leah’s mind raced. Where is Derrick? He said he’d be right behind us. By her guess, it had been at least twenty minutes since they’d parted—maybe longer. Leah hurried to catch up with Sam, leaving Vivi out of earshot. “Sam, can you tell me—what was going on with you and John Hix? Were you–”

“Hix is a killer. I figured him out, followed him to your place. Charlie and Roman had ridden up just before I got there. You know the rest.” He shook his head and shifted Liam in his arm. “I hated having to go off and leave him there with Charley and Roman. But…there was no other choice.”

“Do you think—” Leah bit her lip. “I shouldn’t even mention my house at all, with the danger of the Kiowas killing three men. But…I love my home. I love what it means—a family…where my children lay their heads to sleep every night, in safety. Where my husband and I drink coffee in the mornings…and plan our dreams for the future. And where I finally have a place of my own, where I belong. To lose it—”

“Leah, they may not come—”

“Oh, they’ll come. Charley and Roman wouldn’t have stopped at our place if they’d thought there’d be any chance the Kiowas would’ve gone straight on to Wolf Creek. I have a feeling…I know my home will be destroyed.”

“If that happens,” Sam said carefully, “Wolf Creek will help you rebuild. I know that’s small consolation, but—”

She shook her head. “Forgive me. I shouldn’t even be thinking about my things when men’s lives are at stake.” She smiled at him as he glanced at her.

“It’s natural. Thinking about everything you stand to lose,” he replied.

“My family is all that matters. We will rebuild if we have to, of course. The most important thing is that we keep everyone…safe.” Her voice broke.

“You’re worried about Derrick,” Sam stated flatly. “He’s an excellent tracker, as you well know. Could be he decided to go after them; buy us some time. Don’t be thinking the worst, Leah.”

She nodded, and kept putting one foot in front of the other, trying to calm her thoughts. Don’t be thinking the worst. But how can I keep from it?

“Mama, Uncle John said he paid for some candy for me at the store,” Vivi reminded her.

Leah forced herself to smile back at the little girl. “I heard. That was nice of him.”

“He’s going away.”

“Yes.” If John Hix was killed by the Kiowas, or if he went away forever, it would be a relief. Leah had never liked Hix, and she knew Derrick felt the same. They tolerated Hix for Vivi’s sake. And to be fair, Hix doted on their daughter. It was strange to think that the odd little barber knew Vivi better than she or Derrick…or, at least, had known her longer.

“Will he ever come back, Mama?”

“I don’t know, Vivi. But at least he was able to say goodbye.”

Vivi nodded, but she looked downcast.

Leah’s heart clutched. Vivi had suffered so much loss—leaving her home, losing her mother, and now, John Hix. Leah refused to consider the further impending loss that weighed so heavy on her soul right now. Where is Derrick? The thought nagged. Thank goodness Vivi was too young to understand what was happening, truly, at the moment.

They could be in the process of losing everything. Everything, including their very lives.


My character, Derrick McCain, is an odd hero because he is “just a man”—not a lawman or an outlaw or anything glamorous. He is a farmer who did some things in the Civil War he isn’t proud of. He’s half Cherokee and half white, and though he didn’t set out to be a “family man”, throughout the Wolf Creek series, he’s found himself in that situation under very different circumstances.

I’m wondering what kind of heroes you all like to see? A lawman set on seeing right done? An outlaw who’s seen the error of his ways and turned his life around? A cowboy fighting for justice on the range? Or someone like Derrick, who just winds up through fate’s hand becoming a hero—though he never thinks of himself that way…

Leave me a comment! I always want to know what other people think, and I’m giving away a print copy of a past WOLF CREEK book that I’ve been a part of to A LUCKY COMMENTER!


  1. You are so talented in many ways. This series has been successful from the beginning, and I applaud you for working on this concept.
    I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed--as we used to say as kids--than you will win a Peacemaker award this time.
    Good luck, Cheryl--you deserve first place.

    1. Celia, thanks so much. I'm sure hoping to win this year, but...competition is always fierce. LOL Oh, I just have enjoyed working on Wolf Creek so much over the past few years! It's been a lot of fun and really made me stretch as a writer. Thanks for your very kind words, dear friend!

  2. Thanks for your interesting article. Western historical is one of my favorite genres. I love a redeeming outlaw or a brave cowboy to star as a hero. I especially love a lawman hero. There is something about that badge and uniform!

    1. Chele, I agree. Love an outlaw who can redeem himself, or an "everyman" cowboy as a hero, but like you, I do love a lawman hero, too. Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. I would say that you, Cheryl, are one of the principal people responsible for our "town" being what it is!

    1. Aw, thanks, Troy. I love Wolf Creek so much--and I especially am in complete awe of you--thinking of it in the first place and getting it off the ground. I know there've been some bumps along the way--couldn't help but have those--but you always figured out a way around them and moved forward, and Wolf Creek is an incredible series--there is nothing else like it out there! So glad to be able to work with you.

  4. Cheryl, Derrick is my kind of hero ... a man who thinks of himself as ordinary and yet handles himself well in extraordinary situations. Plus, he's concerned for the welfare of others. "Hunter's Moon" is on my to-buy list :-)
    Best wishes with the Peacemaker Award!
    Nancy C

    1. Nancy, Derrick started out at loose ends, not really knowing what he wanted or who he was. It's been wonderful to see him evolve over the time the series has taken place, and he and one of Troy's characters becoming unlikely friends has been a huge part of his development as a man.

      Thanks for the kind words! And thanks for stopping by--I've got your name in the drawing!

  5. Cheryl, the Wolf Creek series sounds fabulous, and I really want to read the rest of your story in HUNTER'S MOON. It's on my TBR list.

    I've been in a couple anthologies and have another scheduled to come out in March. It's such fun getting to know the other authors and reading their work. Continued success to you and the Wolf Creek saga!

    1. Anthologies truly are so much fun--especially when the stories all have a common theme, or characters that recur. I hope you'll enjoy Hunter's Moon--all the Wolf Creek books are excellent reads and the best thing about the series is that different authors/characters are featured, so it never gets old. There's something going on in Wolf Creek constantly! LOL Best of luck with your anthologies, Lyn!

  6. I will never know how all of you writing this series can ever figure out how to fit your character into the story line. But I am glad that you all seem to do it flawlessly.
    I like reluctant heroes. They don't run out there and declare their plan to eradicate evil from the world or do enormous penance trying to right their wrongs. They just happen to run into a circumstance that requires them to stand up for what they believe in and they do because it's right even though they'd like to just plow that field or take those cattle to some grassland. Derrick seems to be a reluctant sort of hero.
    I know the Wolf Creek series has been very successful and I think it will continue to be popular because it has talented and dedicated western writers putting out the best stories possible.

    1. Sarah, thanks so much for your unfailing support and your very kind comments! I know no one works harder than Troy does to figure out the basic storylines and who is going to be in each book--that's a special kind of smarts, there! LOL

      Like you, I don't like a hero who is self-aware. I'm not so sure I could even write a hero who was that confident and "knowing" about what he was doing. Derrick is very reluctant about some things, but he also has a past to atone for and a measure of "I just have to do what has to be done" in him.

      Thanks again for stopping by and taking time out of your writing to come comment. I know you're burning up the pages right now!


  7. The books do sounds fantastic. I look forward to catching up with them all.

    1. Mary, thank you. I have so enjoyed being a part of this series, and there are so many excellent authors involved, it's a pretty humbling experience to be included!

  8. Oh wow!I had no idea these books were "group" projects. That is such a wonderful opportunity. I'm going to have to read them!

    When it comes to heroes, I think I like that quiet confident man who knows what he's doing and isn't afraid to stand up to trouble. But he also has a sense of those around him and is protective. A man who can admit he was wrong or misjudged. I like to see that sensitive side coming through, because I don't like bravado or a guy who plows through life without regard.

    1. Elizabeth, I can't say enough good about this series--so professional and really excellent western stories.

      I like a very protective hero, too. Derrick is that way, though he doesn't recognize it in himself. And he certainly does have to come to the realization that he has been wrong about a lot of things--especially when he learns a secret about himself he never knew growing up. He has been so much fun to work with! LOL

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. My winner for the Wolf Creek book is .... NANCY C!!!!!

    Thanks to everyone who came by and commented or just stopped by and read! Much appreciated.

    Nancy if you will contact me at I will see that you get your prize!

  10. Wow...what wonderful stories. My heart is racing just reading the summaries. :-) I love your writing and your wounded heroes. Much success!


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