
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wild West Words: Food and Drink

Round Up on the Musselshell, Charles M. Russell, 1919
The last three decades of the 19th Century — 1870 to 1900 — compose the period most people think of when they hear the term “Wild West.” Prior to the Civil War, westward expansion in the U.S. was a pioneering movement, and the period around the turn of the 20th Century was dominated by the Industrial Revolution. But in a scant thirty years, the American cowboy raised enough hell to leave a permanent mark on history.

Cowboys also left a permanent mark on American English. A whole lexicon of new words and phrases entered the language. Some were borrowed from other cultures. Others embodied inventive new uses for words that once meant something else. Still others slid into the vernacular sideways from Lord only knows where.

One of the best ways to imbue a western with a sense of authenticity is to toss in a few bits of period-appropriate jargon or dialect. That’s more difficult than one might imagine. I’m constantly surprised to discover words and phrases are either much younger or much older than I expected. Sometimes the stories behind the terms are even better than the terms themselves.

I keep an ever-expanding cowboy-to-English dictionary on my website — mostly so I know where to look when I need a word or phrase, but also because others sometimes find the material amusing or helpful. Below are a few of the entries related to food and drink.

Camp Cook's Troubles, Charles M. Russell
Ball: a shot of liquor. Originated in the American West c. 1821; most commonly heard in the phrase “a beer and a ball,” used in saloons to order a beer and a shot of whiskey. “Ball of fire” meant a glass of brandy.

Barrel: cheap saloon, often with a brothel attached. American English; arose c. 1875 as a reference to the barrels of beer or booze typically stacked along the walls.

Bear sign: donuts. Origin obscure, but the word was common on trail drives. Any chuckwagon cook who could — and would — make bear sign was a keeper.

Bend an elbow: have a drink.

Benzene: cheap liquor, so called because it set a man’s innards on fire from his gullet to his gut.

Bottom of the barrel: of very low quality. Cicero is credited with coining the phrase, which he used as a metaphor comparing the basest elements of Roman society to the sediment left by wine.

Budge: liquor. Origin unknown, but in common use by the latter half of the 1800s. A related term, budgy, meant drunk.

Cantina: barroom or saloon. Texas and southwestern U.S. dialect from 1892; borrowed from Spanish canteen.

Chuck: food. Arose 1840-50 in the American West; antecedents uncertain.

Dead soldier: empty liquor bottle. Although the term first appeared in print in 1913, common usage is much older. Both “dead man” and “dead marine” were recorded in the context before 1892. All of the phrases most likely arose as a pun: “the spirits have departed.”

Laugh Kills Lonesome, Charles M. Russell
Dive: disreputable bar. American English c. 1871, probably as a figurative and literal reference to the location of the worst: beneath more reputable, mainstream establishments.

Goobers or goober peas: peanuts. American English c. 1833, likely of African origin.

Grub up: eat. The word “grub” became slang for food in the 1650s, possibly as a reference to birds eating grubs or perhaps as a rhyme for “bub,” which was slang for drink during the period. 19th Century American cowboys added “up” to any number of slang nouns and verbs to create corresponding vernacular terms (i.e., “heeled up” meant armed, c. 1866 from the 1560s usage of “heel” to mean attaching spurs to a gamecock’s feet).

Gun wadding: white bread. Origin unknown, although visual similarity is likely.

Jigger: 1.5-ounce shot glass; also, the volume of liquor itself. American English, 1836, from the earlier (1824) use of jigger to mean an illicit distillery. Origin unknown, but may be an alteration of “chigger” (c. 1756), a tiny mite or flea.

Kerosene: cheap liquor. (See benzene.)

Mescal: a member of the agave family found in the deserts of Mexico and the southwestern U.S., as well as an intoxicating liquor fermented from its juice. The word migrated to English from Aztec via Mexican Spanish before 1828. From 1885, mescal also referred to the peyote cactus found in northern Mexico and southern Texas. Dried disks containing psychoactive ingredients, often used in Native American spiritual rituals, were called “mescal buttons.”

Mexican strawberries: dried beans.

Red-eye: inferior whiskey. American slang; arose c. 1819, most likely as a reference to the physical appearance of people who drank the stuff. The meaning “overnight commercial airline flight that arrives early in the morning” arose 1965-70.

The Herd Quitter, Charles M. Russell
Roostered: drunk, apparently from an over-imbiber’s tendency to get his tail feathers in an uproar over little to nothing, much like a male chicken guarding a henhouse. The word “rooster” is an Americanism from 1772, derived from “roost cock.” Colonial Puritans took offense when “cock” became vulgar slang for a part of the human male anatomy, so they shortened the phrase.

Sop: gravy. Another trail-drive word, probably carried over from Old English “sopp,” or bread soaked in liquid. Among cowboys, using the word “gravy” marked the speaker as a tenderfoot.

Stodgy: of a thick, semi-solid consistency; primarily applied to food. Arose c. 1823-1825 from stodge (“to stuff,” 1670s). The noun form, meaning “dull or heavy,” arose c. 1874.

Tiswin (also tizwin): a fermented beverage made by the Apache. The original term probably was Aztecan for “pounding heart,” filtered through Spanish before entering American English c. 1875-80.

Tonsil varnish: whiskey

Tornado juice: whiskey



  1. As you'll see from my post on Saturday, I love the research of words and sayings from the Old West. Thanks for sharing these with us today.

  2. Anna Katherine, I'll watch for your post! Etymology is fascinating, isn't it? We must compare notes and get all these dang words onto both of our sites. :-)

  3. I'm going to use the phrase Mexican strawberries this weekend and see if anyone gets it!

  4. Good for you, Cindy! Let me know how that goes, please? Can't wait to hear your experience. :-)

  5. Language is endlessly changing and utterly fascinating. Thank you for the brief introduction to a colorful time. Of course I'll have to keep up with y'all and see what I can use in my upcoming work. I'm sure some of the words you described will be in it. For that I thank you. Doris McCraw/Angela Raines

  6. Doris, I proudly admit to being a word nerd. Sometimes changes in contemporary language make me grit my teeth (Have you looked at The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary lately?), but archaic language and dialect are infinitely fascinating. I'm glad someone shares my obsession, and I should've known it would be you! :-D

  7. I loved the words used by cowboys in your list. Talk about colorful. I have a reference book titled Cowboy Lingo by Ramon F. Adams that is so useful for coming up with some expressions used by cowboys back in the day. It's so entertaining I read it just for fun.
    Loved your blog, Kathleen.

  8. Ahh, these terms are so great. I knew many of them, but had to stop the thing..Benzene...oil..kerosene...
    all these from oil. We forget how early oil was discovered.
    A Charles Russell painting...I love those. Very distinctive and easily identified.
    Although I did not know beans were ferred to as "Mexican Strawberries." I wonder why.
    I have the Etymology Dictionary On-Line but often forget to check there for certain terms.
    Love all this...thanks so much.


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