
Monday, April 22, 2013


By Anna Jeffrey

Thanks for inviting me to be a guest on your blog, ladies. It’s fun to talk about the West, fun to talk about Texas and fun to talk about books all in the same context.

I’ve lived in 4 of the western states and visited all of the others, but I’m a native Texan. And I guess I’m your stereotypical redneck Texan. Fifth generation. My clan was in Texas before the Civil War.

Everyone who has lived in Texas for any length of time, native or transplant, has heard the old adage, “Everything’s bigger and better in Texas.” And most folks believe that isn’t much of an exaggeration. What other explanation is there for the mass migration into Texas that is presently going on? The economy, the lifestyle, entertainment—all are a little bigger and better in Texas.

Just like California used to be, it’s getting harder and harder to find a native. When I was a kid, the population of Texas was around 7 million people and very few of them were born outside the Texas borders. Most of the “outsiders” we ran across had drifted in from Oklahoma or Arkansas, or Louisiana or New Mexico to work in the oil fields.

Now the population has more than doubled and is growing rapidly. Besides oil, farming and ranching, we have superior high tech and astrophysics companies and cutting edge clinics and hospitals. And the satellites these industries support. In Texas, there’s something for everyone.

So when I set out to write a contemporary trilogy, I had that ol’ Texas mystique on my mind. I wanted to present a story of an old Texas family set against a backdrop of big money, big oil and big cattle ranching, with over-the-top characters in the starring roles. Sort of like, but not quite like, the TV show, “Dallas.”

Thus, I came up with THE TYCOON, Book#1 in the Sons of Texas trilogy. 

Here’s a short blurb:

“When Drake Lockhart, wealthy ranching scion and Texas tycoon, sees a stunning redhead at a fancy ball, electricity sparks between them. After an intimate tryst he can’t forget, the last thing he expects is for her to disappear in the middle of the night. Every minute spent with the vulnerable beauty has left him hungering for more. In an ironic twist of fate, he finds her, but all she wants from him is sex. Can he ever convince her she can trust him?

Shannon Piper was out of place at the ball. An intimate encounter with a man so far removed from her social hemisphere wasn’t on her agenda. He has a reputation for ruthlessness and is one of Texas Monthly’s most eligible bachelors, known for his history with women. Is a relationship based on just sex the way to protect her heart? Or is it the beginning of the most enduring love a girl with a sketchy past could ever know?”

So as you’re thinking about how *you* feel about the Texas mystique, read about it in THE TYCOON and let me what you think. It’s available from all of the online venues, and here's the Amazon link:

Anna Jeffrey, Author

Besides being a Texan and a Westerner, Anna Jeffrey is an award-winning author of mainstream romance novels as well as romantic comedy/mystery. She's written six mainstream romance novels as Anna Jeffrey and two as Sadie Callahan. She and her sister have co-written seven novels as Dixie Cash.

Her Anna Jeffrey books have won the Write Touch Readers’ Award, the Aspen Gold, and the More Than Magic awards. They have been finalists in the Colorado Romance Writers contest, the Golden Quill and Southern Magic as well as the Write Touch Readers’ Award, the Aspen Gold and the More than Magic contests.

The Anna Jeffrey and Sadie Callahan novels are steamy contemporary romances. The Dixie Cash novels are a series starring two female amateur sleuths in far West Texas. They’re zany, almost slapstick, comedies. Most of them are for sale at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as well as other online venues. To learn more about Anna and her books, find her at:


  1. The link for Amazon doesn't work, so I'll try to repair it pdq. Enjoyed the post, Anna. Also enjoyed THE TYCOON. Great book and I look forward to the rest of the series.

  2. Great post, Anna. Yep, as a native Texan I agree with everything you've said. I live in a college town and our neighbors are students from all over. Just being here for the short time has converted them. Gotta love being a Texan by heart as well.

  3. Hi, Anna--I almost missed your post. I remember readint the Dixie Cash books before I met you. I checked them out of the library. We do miss you...but this group sort of evolves and revolves--sometimes, we must do something else and move on. I'm so glad you're writing Westerns. Be happy!


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