
Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Little About Me

By Anna Kathryn Lanier

Hello from the Great Smoky Mountains. No, I don’t live in this wonderful spot on Earth, but I am visiting it. As many of you may know, I am a big fan of Brenda Novak’s Auction for Diabetes Research. Well, last year, I won an auction for a week’s stay in Pigeon Forge, TN.  And this is the week I’m taking the vacation with one of daughters and two of my grandchildren.  So far, we are having a wonderful time.

In Cade's Cove - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Right now, I live outside Houston, TX.  Having been an Air Force brat growing up and then moving around a bit after marrying I have lived in 8 states: Kansas, California, North Caroline, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Louisiana, and West Virginia. I lived in Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana twice. I also lived on Guam and was an exchange student to Finland while in high school.  Unlike some people, I enjoy moving and traveling. I like meeting new people and seeing new places.

I have written or told stories as far back as I can remember. My first novel was written while I was still in high school and my first romance in my early twenties.  I sent a novel into Harlequin, who rejected it. I mean, who knew you needed an agent, a synopsis or even a query letter?

Since I was a mother by this time, I gave up writing for a few years to be a mother and wife.  In about 2002, I took up writing again and wrote two novels in 6 months. Then I took a creative writing class at the local junior college and learned I knew nothing about how to write, including formatting.  My teacher for that class told me to check out Romance Writers of America and I joined the organization, as well as a local Houston writer’s group, Bay Area Writer’s League.

I was first published in an anthology BAWL put out.  That short story was revamped a few years later as A COWBOY’S DREAM for The Wild Rose Press. But, I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

After working on several novels, I tried my hand at short stories and found I like writing them. I hooked up with one publisher where I had four stories published in various anthologies. Unfortunately, I had a problem with the way I was being treated by the co-publisher and decided to leave them.  At this point, I was still interested in writing Regency historicals, though none of my currently published works was of that time period.

Then a friend told me about The Wild Rose Press, who at that time was looking for Christmas stories set in the west.  I sat down and wrote a short story in four days and sent it in. THE PERFECT GIFT came out a few short months later and I was hooked on cowboys!  Since then, I’ve published three other stories with The Wild Rose Press, the other two being SALVATION BRIDE and A GIFT BEYOND MEASURE. The third is the already mentioned A COWBOY’S DREAM.

For the past year I have not done much writing. Life got in the way, but I do plan to take up my life-long passion again soon.  In the meantime, I am enjoying life with my husband of 25 years, my two daughters, Tiffany and Holly and my three grandchildren, Emma, Ethan, and Lacey. 

And I’ve decided to live by the saying: Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. ~Doug Ivester 

Find out more about me at:

Anna Kathryn Lanier


  1. I enjoyed your post. I love visiting national parks. I heard Smoky Mountains (we went there on our honeymoon) is the most visited. I can see why. Beautiful!

    Best of luck in your writing.

  2. So glad you found westerns and cowboys a great genre for you. You seem to do it so very well. Fun getting to know you better, Anna Kathryn. Enjoy that vacation.

  3. It's fun getting to know more about a writer. Enjoy your vacation and fingers crossed you find more time to write in the coming year.

  4. What a wonderful family you have. The children are adorable. It's very special to spend time with the little ones and make good memories for them.
    I love the Smoky Mountains, and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Wow.
    Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. I appreciate people who have real passions in life and work hard to carry them out.

  5. Anna Kathryn, I'm so happy for you that you're having a wonderful vacation. You've had a sad past year and deserve to kick up your heels, relax, and enjoy life. I so admire you and appreciate all you've done for your friends and for the Diabetes auction.


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