
Monday, October 3, 2011

A Very Western Halloween!

Last year I placed a poll on my personal blog, The Cozy Page, for readers to choose which western Halloween costume I should wear. The two costumes I was having a tough time picking between were that of an Indian maiden to go with the new calf-length moccassins I had recently received as a gift from my father...or the sassy western showgirl, which came with a special sheriff outfit for one of my four-legged companions. (See the choices here.) The readers chose the Indian maiden though I have to admit while the poll lasted it was a fun dilemna! This year I'm even thinking about trading my Indian maiden costume in for the showgirl and canine sheriff. (And I wouldn't mind seeing the hub spiffed up like an outlaw in ten-gallon hat and spurs either!)

I've learned to love Halloween. It wasn't always my favorite holiday. I'm easily spooked and pretty superstitious. I definitely don't like horror movies and I ate enough candy corn as a child I simply can't stand to see it anymore. However, with a mother and a sister who absolutely LOVE Halloween and everything that it's no wonder I've grown to love the spooktacular day again. One thing I've always loved about All Hallows Eve, however, is the dressing up - being somebody else for an evening. (I once won second place in a costume contest for dressing up as a lady pirate! Captain Jack Sparrow would definitely have appreciated it....)

I take my costume shopping very seriously. And again, of course, I find myself steering more toward the western variety. For example, the Elite Indian Maiden from

Though the Snow Princess might be a little warmer....

If I did indeed go the cowgirl route this year, I could do with the Sassy Lone Ranger to go with the hub's outlaw....

Or a couple of classic cowgirls - Annie Oakley...

...and Jesse from Toy Story....

I'm leaning toward Jesse myself! Especially, hehe, when it's paired with this....

Here's some more cowboy eye candy for ya....

So have I given anyone ideas yet for their own Halloween fun? What are you planning on dressing up as this Halloween?

I saved this one for last. This year I'm definitely going with a different approach for my three goofy labs. Hope everyone's Halloween is as enjoyable as this!!!

Amber Leigh Williams
"Williams has brought the romantic back to romance!" ~ Long & Short Reviews


  1. Fun post. I vote for the Elite Indian. Love the boots! I like to dress up for Halloween too but gravitate more towards fantasy costumes.

  2. Nightingale, thanks for stopping by! I love the boots too! Any excuse to buy a new pair, lol

  3. Oh my goodness! Very creative. Hope your Halloween is fantastic.


  4. I love TOY STORY, So Jesse for me. LOVE the dog.

  5. Love the bullie dog. I have two bullpup granddaughters. They're usually a bumble bee and ladybug.

    I am usually a witch. Our cul de sac always has a party which makes it a fun time of year.

    Great costumes and pix.

  6. I used to love dressing up. We live in a rural area now and don't have trick or treaters. I miss seeing them. Our church has a trunk or treat, though, so we at least get to see kids in costume there. I always have to make something myself, and usually go as a gypsy because that's so easy.


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